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Interface AntView and AntViewGlobal


Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Boolean



With the EventsUseHexadecimal property you can control if events that have 64 bit parameters should use the alternative event that passes this parameter in hexadecimal as a string. This helps for environments that do not support the Int64 data type for events on ActiveX controls (VB6/VBA/FoxPro and PowerBuilder)


The default is False.


If set to False the events will use the following events with the Int64 data type. 




When this property is set to True, it will use alternative events that offer these variables as a hexadecimal string.




This property can also be set via the AntViewGlobal object instance for all of the AntView controls in your application.


Introduced in AntView release 1.1.164


AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 07/22/2024