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Interface AntViewDocument


Type: Method

Parameters: IDispatch* Browser

Returns: nothing



In order to be able to use the AntViewDocument interface, you need to connect the document object the WebView2 browser or iframe object that you want to use it with.

You do this by passing the variant object reference of the instantiated AntView control.


This does the same as CurrentBrowser, but works for programming languages that do not directly expose the IDispatch Pointer.


Example code in VB6:


  Set Document = CreateObject("AntViewAx.AntViewDocument", "")

  Document.BrowserDispatch (EdgeWebBrowser.IDispatchPointer)


You can only connect one document at the same time, be it either in the main browser object or an iframe. Connecting to an iframe object will disconnect any browser objects and vice versa.


Introduced in AntView release 1.1.164


AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 07/22/2024