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Interface AntViewDocument


Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Integer



The time out measured in milliseconds for any of the synchronous document operations.


The default is 1000.

The minimum value you can set is 60 ms and the maximum value is 900000 ms.


All synchronous methods provided in the document interface are wrappers that provide a more conventional interface to the provided asynchronous methods. Any asynchronous method can take an undetermined time to process or even never process.


To protect your code from locking up, timeout logic has been included.

Each synchronous operation returns an integer value for the error code

If there was no error, the returned value is 0, when a timeout to has happened the returned error code is 22.

The individual error codes are documented for each operation.


Introduced in AntView release 1.1.174


AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 07/22/2024