Interface AntViewDocument
Type: Method
Parameters: String Name Boolean Checked
Returns: Integer
Check or uncheck the checkbox for an html input element of type checkbox identified by Name in the document currently loaded in the WebView2 component.
The function returns:
0 when the element is found and the value of the attribute was set,
1 if no element identified by Name was found.
21 function is already running (can only run one at a time)
22 function timed out
23 document not connected to WebView2 control
24 Name parameter was empty
25 Trying to run a synchronous method from within a WebView2 event
Note that multiple elements can match the name passed. If this is the case then only the first element that matches the name will be set.
The Synchronous alternative of the SetInputCheckboxByName method.
As the function wraps the async bits, you cannot have the asynchronous variant running when you call this.
Beware that you cannot use a synchronous call from within an AntView event.
Introduced in AntView release 1.1.354
AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 07/22/2024