Interface AntView and AntViewGlobal
Type: Method
Parameters: String Company String LicenseCode
Returns: nothing
Use the UnlockControl method to unlock the license for the AntView control so that you can use it in your applications.
Provide the company name and license code exactly like it has been provided to you after you bought the control.
The unlock logic has to be done in your code, it does not save the unlock status at computer level.
Unlocking is done at application level.
After the control is instantiated, it needs to be unlocked, before you use it to display content or navigate to a URL.
You can unlock the license via the UnlockControl method for the AntView control or via the AntViewGlobal object instance for all your AntView controls in your application.
Note that even if your subscription for support can expire, the license itself does not expire.
We still recommend you to keep the support subscription active so that a breaking change in the WebView2 API gives you quick access to fixes in AntView. An active subscription also gives you access to any new features that are released.
A code example in DataFlex:
Object oEdgeWebBrowser is a cComAntView
Set Location to 26 10
Set Size to 174 475
Set peAnchors to anAll
Procedure OnCreate
OLETxUnlockStatus eStatus
Integer iDays
Forward Send OnCreate
// This is how you would unlock the control if you have a valid unlock code.
Send ComUnlockControl "Example Company" "WI5PO2-2KSU3Q-HWFXFU-IUMU2V-QF8P2F"
Get ComUnlockStatus to eStatus
If (eStatus=OLEusLicensed) Begin
//Showln "We're properly licensed!"
See also: UnlockStatus
AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 07/22/2024