Interface AntView
Type: Event
Parameters: String Uri String DefaultText String Message TxScriptDialogKind Kind Boolean* Accept String* ResultText
If the DefaultScriptDialogsEnabled property is set to False then this event is raised for any javascript dialog, so that you can handle the dialog from your application.
The parameters passed to the event are:
Uri - Receives the URI of the page that started the dialog.
DefaultText - Receives the default value to use for the value of the prompt javascript dialog type.
Message - Receives the message to display in the dialog.
Kind - Receives the type of javascript dialog that triggered the event.
The parameters passed from and returned back to the event are:
Accept - Set to True in order to accept the confirm, prompt & beforeUnload dialogs. Set to False to Cancel.
ResultText - Receives and/or Set the returnvalue from the javascript prompt dialog.
AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 09/25/2024