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Interface AntView 


Type: Method

Parameters:  String hostName String folderPath TxHostResourceAccessKind accessKind

Returns: nothing



Map a virtual host Name to a folder Path in the current file system.


Use ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping to remove the folder mapping.


Below is an example in DataFlex on how-to set the "rijksmuseum.local" domain hostname to a local folder on the file system that can look like "C:\Users\Public\Documents\DataFlex Demo\AppHtml\"


    Procedure OnComCreateWebviewCompleted Integer llHResult

      Boolean bIsCreated

      String sPath


      Get ComWebViewCreated to bIsCreated

      If (bIsCreated) Begin

        Get psAppHtmlPath of (phoWorkspace(ghoApplication)) to sPath

        Send ComSetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping "rijksmuseum.local" sPath OLEhrakAllow




A currently known issue with the .local TLD is that it can add an additional 2 second delay on resolving the first time.

See also:  MS Edge WebView2 github issue #2381


AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 07/22/2024