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Use AntView in PowerBuilder



As PowerBuilder does not natively support Int64 data types, there are workarounds available when the WebView2 control returns a variable that is of data type Int64. 

Since we can't just cut off the data to fit in Int32, we instead encode the data as hexadecimal and pass that as a string.



You can create the AntViewGlobal object with the following code:


int i

OLEObject o

o = CREATE OLEObject

i = o.ConnectToNewObject("AntViewAx.AntViewGlobal") // i should be 0


You can then change defaults for all your AntView controls.


One the things you would probably want to set for PowerBuilder is the EventsUseHexadecimal property as PowerBuilder does not support the Int64 data type on events.


o.EventsUseHexadecimal  = true


or for example if you would want to disallow GPU hardware acceleration then you could use:


o.AdditionalBrowserArguments  = "--disable-gpu"



AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 09/25/2024